Heuristic of the Nearest Neighbor in the delivery of supports within the State of Veracruz.


  • Erika Barojas-Payán UPAEP https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3087-4046
  • Diana Sánchez-Partida UPAEP
  • Nelson Enrique Riaño-Contreras Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá – Colombia
  • José-Luis Martínez-Flores UPAEP
  • William Velasquez-Melo Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • Santiago-Omar Caballero-Morales UPAEP


Hydrometeorological phenomenon; Logistics; Supports; Multiple Vehicle Routing; VMC Heuristics


The supply of products of first necessity is one of the most important problems inside to the humanitarian logistics for, this activity must have attributes such as a) quantity; b) propitious derived from the physical and social aspects of the area; c) speed, and d) reliability.


This document addresses this problem during the emergency phase of the disaster; two methods of solution are put to evaluation and comparison, with their different characteristics, attributes, advantages, and disadvantages, but with the same objective, to find the routes of delivery of products that allow the worthy survival of the victims.


These methods are tested in the municipality of La Perla, Veracruz, Mex., houses 46 localities and it has been impacted by a natural phenomenon in repeated occasions.


Through the heuristic technique of the nearest neighbor (NN), five delivery routes of products are obtained, and a locality is omitted. While the exact programming through the classic
vehicle routing problem with capacity (CVRP) throws six paths




How to Cite

Barojas-Payán, E., Sánchez-Partida, D., Riaño-Contreras, N. E., Martínez-Flores, J.-L., Velasquez-Melo, W., & Caballero-Morales, S.-O. (2018). Heuristic of the Nearest Neighbor in the delivery of supports within the State of Veracruz. International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics, 10(2), 26–38. Retrieved from https://www.ijcopi.org/ojs/article/view/107


